DeeLee Mucus Trap
A DeeLee mucus trap is used to remove mucus from the mouth and airway of newborn puppies and kittens. The small 6.5 French tube passes easily into the back of the mouth and above the trachea removing mucus that the bulb syringe cannot reach. The tube may also be passed all the way into the stomach, and then mucus can be removed from the stomach. An empty stomach helps increase the space for the lungs to expand, as well as colostrum absorption. This is especially beneficial for C-Section deliveries, as the mucus is not expressed from the digestive and respiratory tract as with a vaginal delivery. Mucus traps can be disinfected, but cannot be boiled or autoclaved.
Instructions for use of DeLee Mucus Trap:
Measure the smooth tube (not the one with the mouthpiece) as you would a feeding tube from the tip of the puppy’s nose to the bellybutton. You can mark this length on the tube if you so desire. Place tube with white plastic mouthpiece in your mouth. Grasp pup firmly, open mouth and thread second tube down the mouth-throat and to the stomach. If you meet resistance before you reach the mark on the tube, pull it back out and begin again. Often the puppy will help “eat” the tube down to the stomach. You will know when you are in the stomach because you will meet resistance and you should be close to your pre-measured mark. After you place the tube all the way down, begin sucking on the tube (one with the mouthpiece) with about as much pressure as you would use with a straw in a soft drink. Yellow mucus/amniotic fluid will come up the tube from the stomach and be caught in the canister between the 2 tubes. Continue sucking as you slowly remove the tube from the puppy’s stomach. This clears the lower airway and back of the throat. To empty/clean the canister, remove the top and rinse with water / mild detergent. Hang to dry.